The last thing you want to do is ghost the person you just worked so hard to get to the table, so it’s crucial to follow up.

You have done the heavy lifting already with getting your bible study and teaching it, so it’s critical to stay connected in this process so you don’t leave it at one study. Of course, someone may decide studying the Bible is not something they’re interested in. Let that decision be on them, not because you simply didn’t follow up.

Follow up by being consistent. One easy way to follow up with someone is to commit to a day and time each week. For example, you can work out that at lunch on Tuesdays at 11:30am, you will do Bible study with them. Perhaps it’s after school on Thursdays. Find a consistent time you can commit to with them to ensure you are staying in touch. Having something scheduled can help build on what they have already learned and help keep them motivated and engaged in the Bible study.

Follow up by asking supportive questions. Check to make sure they understood what was taught. This can help you identify any areas where they may need more clarification or explanation. Ask them later in the week if they have thought more about what you taught, or if they have questions after they’ve had a few days to think about it. See if there’s anything you can do to support them on their faith journey.

Follow up by connecting outside of Bible study. If the only time you talk with them is during your Bible study, you might be missing opportunities. Call or text them to see how their week is going. Invite them for a meal. Get to know them beyond Bible study. This helps them to feel they are cared for and that they’re not just an agenda item. Try to identify a need they may have that you can help with – perhaps it’s a resource, maybe it’s just offering a sense of community.

Follow up by praying. Remember, you don’t save anyone. You can, however, make an impact on eternity in the spirit realm. Pray for the individual you’re teaching Bible study to. Pray that God would continue to open their understanding, that He would continue the work that He has started in their life. Pray for God to open your eyes to see them the way He sees them, and that you would be sensitive to His divine path for them.