JUDE 1:22


So, you want to teach a bible study? Have you ever wondered why some people make it seem so easy to get bible studies? Or have you ever been burdened to teach a bible study, but you just don’t know where to start? If so, you are not alone. To those who hunger to teach a bible study, the task can seem daunting. We want to help you today by giving you a few tips and tricks that will send you on your way to teach your very first bible study! As a bible study teacher, your first goal will be to “get connected.” For many, this is the first area of comfort you will be required to step out from. Getting connected will look different for everyone, However, the task at hand is not far from your reach. What if I told you, you already know the person that you will teach your first bible study to? See that makes it a lot less scary when you look at it through that lens! All around you are people you know who are the perfect candidate for a one-on-one bible study! So, the very first step to stepping out of your comfort zone will always be preceded by compassion. For it is by compassion that you make a difference. Jesus was moved on by compassion when he worked wonders amongst the multitude (Matthew 14:14; 15:32; 20:34) and he was moved by compassion when he was reaching for one. (Matthew 8:3). Compassion will not allow you to remain in comfort. To get connected pray for the compassion of Christ. If you want to connect to others, you must be relatable, reliable, and available. Make yourself these three things and you will be on your way to Win Your World.


Lord, let my path intersect one you would help if you were in my shoes. Let me live day to day in such a self-forgetful way that even when I kneel to pray, my prayer will be for others.